Standard’s Japanese course aims to provide flexible conversational course for students who wish to learn how to speak Japanese language. Whether you are a beginner or a person who has a fair knowledge in Japanese, this course will be able to assist you systematically.Our Japanese course for adults helps students to overcome their difficulties in understanding Japanese spoken at normal speed by using short and simple speaking in a number of everyday situations. When listening to the authentic speech from the teacher, the students may find that it is rather difficult to comprehend. Therefore, notes and short sentences will be displayed on the reading materials thus this will serve as the revising key language for students to catch the overall meaning of the sentence or sentences.
HIRAGANA and KATAKANA, the Japanese characters will be followed byROMAJI (The standard Japanese pronunciation
written in alphabet). Hence, there will be no problem in practising the sentences at home.
Each unit of the syllabi has its theme setting or situational dialogues. Since this is a language class, the teacher will
emphasize on language training. Therefore, ROMAJI will be applied most of the time to enable the students to learn under
‘less pressure’.
At the end or the beginning of each unit, a translation exercise will be used. Our translation exercises have been proven to
be very effective in determining the usage of the right words and the grammar. The translation will be from English to
We are also able to provide tailor made course for you to learn specifically. The request can be made during the lesson
with the teacher.
- 40 hours each level (approximately 5 – 6 months)
- 30 hours each level for individual intensive training (approximately 2 – 3 month